37 research outputs found

    Proposing "Learning By Conscience" As a New Method of Internalization in Learning : An Application of John Dewey's Thinking Paradigm

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    Unlike the learning models that originate from John Dewey’s concept of reflective thinking, such as collaborative learning, cooperative learning, competitive learning, learning by doing, and investigative group learning, the learning by conscience model proposed in this study, instead, is derived from John Dewey’s concept of reflective attitudes. It seeks to introduce a new learning model which is based on the hermeneutic approach while also employing various means of investigation such as descriptive, analytic, and eclectic methods. The study found that there are three variables that correspond to the concept of John Dewey’s reflective attitudes: open-mindedness, whole-heartedness, and responsibility. The study also found that there are four stages of internalization process that must be considered in order to make learning more effective, which include impulse, experience, communication, and action

    Religion: Sigmund Freud's Infantile Illusions and Collective Neurosis Perspective

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    This paper concerns Freud's thoughts on religion. Religion is not only about faith in a great God, but also encompasses the order and discipline of life. Religion involves human relationships, either with God or with others. Freud saw religion as the fulfillment of a childish desire. This can not be separated from his work as a psychologist who produced the concept of psychoanalysis and human sexual stages. Freud disputed the basis of human trust claims by giving three mutually exclusive and holistically unsatisfactory reasons. First, we must trust without demanding proofs; Second, we must believe because our ancestors also believed; And third, we must believe because we have evidence from ancient times. Freud contends that such beliefs are nothing more than an illusion

    The Internalization of Democratic Values into Education and Their Relevance to Islamic Education Development (Synthetic, Analytic, and Eclectic Implementation of John Dewey’s Thoughts)

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    Democracy is not only used as a political tool or instrument, but it can also be used in a broader context: as a concept which projects ideal fundamental values and ways of life that have historical significance, which need to be inherited into education. Islamic education, so far, has paid attention only to the normative-theological territory alone, and ignored the socio-historical dimension. Thus, there is a need for a richer and more critical view on the issue. This study aimed to shed light on the viability of the concept of the internalization of John Dewey’s democratic values and to examine the relevance of his thought. This study used the text interpretation or hermeneutics approach employing descriptive, synthesis-analysis, and eclectic methods. The findings show that the internalization could be done through impulse, experience, communication and action. The findings also show that the relevance of John Dewey’s thoughts to the development of Islamic education could be established in the following aspects: the development of the basic philosophy of Islamic education, the development of the role of human in Islamic education, and the development of an Islamic education-based curriculum

    Teacher Competence Test of Islamic Primary Teachers Education in State Islamic Primary Schools (MIN) Of Pidie Regency

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    This study aims at examining the readiness of the Diploma-II holders of Primary Teachers Education of STIT AL-Hilal Sigli in drawing up the Lesson Plan and implementing the teaching and learning interactions in the classroom. In particular, the study attempts to figure out whether the teaching and learning interaction meet the methods listed in the Lesson Plan (RPP) and the assessment system of learner’s performance in Islamic Primary schools throughout Pidie regency. The sample of this study is nineteen Islamic Primary schools throughout Pidie regency. While to collect data from the research field, the researchers used observation, interviews, and documents. The result indicates that: (1) in general, the teachers have good and considerate preparation in drawing up the Lesson Plan within a sufficient time instead having an extemporaneous teaching. They commonly conducted the Lesson Plan preparation through the discussion with other fellow teachers which avoids them from having a significant obstacle. The only considerable stumbling blocks are the learning source, learning media, and psychological factors. All the written Lesson Plans will be accounted to the principal, superintendent, and the education department. Otherwise, the teachers will be penalized for not making one. (2) The method specified in the Lesson Plan does not correspond to the methods used in teaching and learning in general. (3) The respondents generally do not apply taxonomic Bloom in the grading system in schools where they are in charge

    Kebenaran Ilmiah Menurut Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu

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    The philosophy of science is the science that studies ontology, epistemology and axiology. This article offers a descriptive analy tical discussion on scientific truth in accordance with the philosophy of science. Truth constitutes the core and the essense of a philosophical inquiry. Since philosophy is to discover and comprehend the truth, a seeker of the truth will there fore find something which is coherent and correspond to facts. The philosophy of science as the basis in seeking the meaning of scientific truth is increasingly important, since science should be functioning through it s complicated object s of inquiry which are also related to human behaviors. Further, science should be committed to its human values orien tation. It is in this direction that the philosophy of science concerns itself

    Sistem Pendidikan Nondikotomik

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    Demokrasi dan Filsafat Pendidikan (Akar Filosofis dan Implikasinya dalam Pengembangan Filsafat Pendidikan)

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    Filsafat pendidikan dengan demokrasi adalah berhubungan seperti sebuah sikap, seperti membuat seseorang hampir tidak dapat dibedakan dari yang lain, seperti siapa saja yang telah mempelajari demokrasi dan filsafat pendidikan akan dibuktikan. Dalam arti yang ideal, demokrasi merupakan jalan menuju kebahagiaan, nilai individual dan sekaligus nilai sosial bagi komunitas manusia. Esensi sebuah komunitas yang demokratis adalah adanya partisipasi individu dalam mengawasi dan membentuk aktivitas-aktivitas dan nilai-nilai. Pada dasarnya demokratis itu eksis pada asosiasi manusia pada tingkat lokal. Demokrasi tidak dimulai pada tingkat negara, tetapi demokrasi harus dimulai dari rumahdDan rumah tersebut merupakan tetangga komunitas/masyarakat. Penekatan proses pendidikannya sebagai sebuah transaksi antara person dengan lingkungannya

    Peranan Psikologi Agama dlam Pendidikan dan Dakwah

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    Hakikat dan Tujuan Pendidikan Islam (Perspektif Muhammad Quthb)

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    Tulisan ini membahs tentang Hakikat dan Tujuan Pendidikan Islam dalam pandangan Muhammad Quthb, seorang pemikir islam kontemporer, yang menjelaskan konsep-konsep yang brilian tentang pendidikan. Bagi MUhammad Quthb, pendidikan islam adalah pendididkan manusia seutuhnya, tidak dipisahkan oleh satu aspek pun dari kudrat manusia. tujuan pendidikan islam adalah untuk membentuk kejujuran dan pengabdian manusia hanya pada Allah semata, yaitu untuk mengmbangkan semua potensi yang dimilik sebagai kesimbangan antara intelektual dan kesadaran, fisik dan spiritual, moral dan aktivitas, pribadi dan hubungan masyarakat dan alam. Dengan demikian pendidikan islam berpusat pada manusia seutuhnya tanpa dipisahkan oleh batas-batas wilayah, ras, lokasi dan lain-lain

    I'jaz Al-Qur'an Menurut Abd Al-Qahir Al-Jurjani

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    Kehindahan bahasa dalam Al-Qur`an tidak terlepas dari peran ilmuwan Al-Qur`an. Salah satunya adalah`Abd AlQahir al-Jurjani yang melampaui zamannya dalam mengenali keindahan sastra Al-Qur`an. AlJurjani menemuka tiga hal: Pertama, mukjizar Al-Qur`an terletak pada ke-balaghahannya dan ke-balagah-an Al-Qur`an terletak pada nazm-nya. Kedua, ketidakmampuan orang Arab menghadapi kekuatan bahasa Al-Qur`an membuat mereka menggunakan kekerasan dalam menghadapi Nabi dan pengikutnya. Ketiga, Ke-balagah-an Al-Qur`an bukan terletak pada satuan kata, pensyakalan, kesusuain notasi, atau isu`irah, melaikan pada susunan dan struktur kalima-kalima Al-Qur`an (An-Nazm)secara keseluruhan al-Jurjani melihat i`jaz Al-Qur`an itu terletak pada Nazm-ny